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Wittenborn Memorial Book Award for the ‘Transformational’ Albers App

Albers iPad Mockup smallThe Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) has selected the Josef Albers Interaction of Color app as the winner of the 35th Annual George Wittenborn Memorial Book Award. The Award Committtee described the app as ‘transformational’. It is the first time ever that the award has gone to an electronic publication.

The app has received numerous accolades for its use of interactive media to extend Josef Albers’s original masterwork. The app was also selected as the winner of the 2013 Best Interactive Product from Communication Arts, the 2013 Spark Award for Best App, and as a finalist for Best Education/Reference App from the 2014 Digital Book Awards. Albers was an influential and unique educator, Interaction of Color is a masterwork, we are most honored by the feedback that the app “appropriately and aptly builds on the Interaction of Color’s teaching mission, bringing it to a contemporary audience,” in the words of the Wittenborn Award Committee.

The full press release with further details about the award is available here.

“Yale University Press is honored to receive this prestigious award from the Art Libraries Society of North America which recognizes our innovation in art publishing. In particular, we are pleased to receive its first recognition of a digitally enhanced artbook! We hope this project serves as a guide for future art publications that seek to inspire, inform and delight artists, designers, students and scholars.”— John Donatich, Director, Yale University Press

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