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What SUP From Your Favorite University Presses, September 26, 2014

Welcome to our weekly roundup of news from university presses! Once again, there is a lot to share this week from our fellow academic publishing houses and much to learn on What SUP at the social university presses. This week, we reflected on adulthood, celebrated T.S. Eliot’s birthday, and reevaluated the nature of money.

Columbia University Press shared “The Sounds and Scripts of a Hong Kong Childhood,” the final chapter of Rey Chow’s Not Like a Native Speaker. Chow discusses the hallmarks of radio drama and her mother’s career as a popular broadcaster and performer.

Harvard University Press considered what it means to be an adult with the author of The Prime of Life. Steven Mintz responds to pessimistic books and editorials by illustrating how American attitudes towards adulthood and youth have changed over time.

Indiana University Press documented the itinerant people known as Travellers. The trailer for Irish Travellers features a montage of photographs from George and Sharon Gmelch’s new book.

Johns Hopkins University Press wished T.S. Eliot a happy birthday  and introduced readers to his newly published complete prose. Jewel Spears Brooker and Ronald Schuchard shed light on the beginning of Eliot’s intellectual life and literary career.

Oxford University Press asked if health apps really matter, citing the limited initial success of fitness apps and apps for diabetes patients. Andrew Larkin argues that although health apps have had a rough start, they are poised to become more useful and important.

Princeton University Press interviewed Nigel Dodd, author of The Social Life of Money. Dodd lays down the framework for a new understanding of money in the aftermath of the financial crisis by studying thinkers such as George Simmel, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Jacques Derrida.

Stanford University Press explained Jack London’s reputation as a novelist and socialist. The Press notes, on the occasion of Banned Books Week, that The Call of the Wild was banned in parts of Europe because of London’s political leanings.

Temple University Press celebrated Jewish New Year by highlighting seven Jewish studies titles. The books describe the Catskills resort culture, recall the South Philadelphia Hebrew Association basketball team, and explore community and immigration.

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