Welcome to our weekly roundup of news from university presses! Once again, there is a lot to share this week from our fellow academic publishing houses and much to learn on What SUP at the social university presses. This week race and gender was a substantial theme for the academic presses considering the recent events, covering everything from race in cinema and sports to gender in literature. We also found love themed posts for you on the occasion of Valentines day. Happy Valentines Day!
Columbia University Press taught us how to master the perfect Valentines Day gifts: decadent chocolate and amazing wine!
Duke University Press shared a post on the legacy of D.W. Griffith’s epic film The Birth of a Nation in regards to cinematic development and social implications of race.
Princeton University Press questioned the term Islamic Democracy and explored its failure.
New York University Press took a stand against violent extremism as they addressed the UNC Chapel hill shooting.
Oxford University Press explored 5000 years of love through the evolution of music and love songs.
Temple University Press remembered UNC basketball coach Dean Smith not only for his contributions in basketball but for his extraordinary work in racial integration, in particular in the area of college athletics.
University of Illinois Press discussed how Chicago is the most corrupt city in the US.
Stanford University Press explored the history of how women in literature were assessed in relation to their male counterparts.
University of Minnesota Press outlined the influence of Civil Rights Photo books on the social consciousness of the younger generation.