Welcome to our weekly roundup of news from university presses! Once again, there is a lot to share this week from our fellow academic publishing houses and much to learn on What SUP at the social university presses. This week, we found conversations on rollerbasketball, aphasia treatments, and social media in 2009 Iran and 1500s Italy. What did you read this week?
Indiana University Press honors its editor-in-chief, Bob Sloan, as he retires.
University of Minnesota Press examines Malian music and its cultural and political contexts.
Stanford University Press explores social media in Iranian politics.
Oxford University Press shows us the social media users of the 1500s—women in Italy.
Princeton University Press is giving away free books about dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures.
University of North Carolina Press interviews Salmaan Wasif Khan about the history of Tibet and the borderlands of China.
University Press of Kentucky introduces us to horse racing and the Triple Crown.
University of Nebraska Press shows us the weirdness and fun of rollerbasketball.
NYU Press explains efforts to stop the “school-to-jail track.”
Johns Hopkins University Press calls our attention to aphasia and SCALE.