Welcome to our weekly roundup of news from university presses! Once again, there is a lot to share this week from our fellow academic publishing houses and much to learn on What SUP at the social university presses. This week, we found conversations on the gendered nature of action figures, Ben Carson, and European refugee crisis. What did you read this week?
Columbia University Press anticipates the release of the new Star Wars movie by discussing the history of action figures. Lately the impulse has shifted from recollecting material memories of childhood in middle age to never abandoning that culture from childhood on.
New York University Press shares a Q&A with the author of Not Gay. She answers questions on how straight white men can have sex with other men without losing their status as straight.
Harvard University Press analyzes how inequality in our lives in the past shapes our final years. While seniors from across the social spectrum face a set of common challenges associated with growing old, they do not do so on equal footing.
Johns Hopkins University Press makes a case to limit the use of the word “interdisciplinary” in order to advance its power and usefulness. How can we harness the term to make progress on intellectual and social problems in the future?
LSU Press celebrates its 80th birthday by highlighting no less than 80 of their most memorable titles.
Oxford University Press thinks about the current refugee crisis in Europe and compares the rationalist side to the sentimentalist side of the debate after the dead body of three year-old Syrian boy Aylan Kurdi washed ashore on a Turkish beach over a week ago.
Princeton University Press tries to make sense of Ben Carson in the current field of Republican presidential primary. One thing seems sure: in one way or another, Carson is here to stay.
University Press of Florida remembers the racial segregation at Silver Springs’ Paradise Park in Florida. The author highlights how African Americans were prohibited access to natural resources in many states.