Category: Art & Architecture

From the Designer’s Desk: Roy Brooks

From the Designer’s Desk: Roy Brooks

Our March 2015 edition of From the Designer’s Desk is a delightful tour through successive iterations of design for a new book entitled Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo in Detroit,… READ MORE

Tiger stripes in ink and gold

Felice Fischer – As curator of the exhibition, Ink and Gold: Art of the Kano, on view now at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, I often am asked, “which painting… READ MORE

Welcome Spring in the Language of Flowers

Ivy Sanders Schneider– Spring is almost here, and with it come birds, butterflies, and flowers – colors cutting through the newly thawed earth. Although they symbolize a natural beginning –… READ MORE

St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day

Ivy Sanders Schneider– Saint Patrick, patron saint of Ireland, is commonly associated with his eponymous holiday, the color green, shamrocks, and for driving the snakes out of Ireland. However, Patrick,… READ MORE

Pi day of the century

Pi day of the century

Today is 3/14/15: Pi day of the century. Wherever you live, there are ways to celebrate this rare holiday. We’ve been celebrating in a most colorful way, with the award–winning,… READ MORE

Win a copy of An Eames Anthology!

Win a copy of An Eames Anthology!

Ray Eames, the 20th century American designer, was once quoted as saying, “What works good is better than what looks good, because what works good lasts.” Of course, the myriad… READ MORE

Arles, Saturday, March 10th, 1888; To Theo van Gogh

Arles, Saturday, March 10th, 1888; To Theo van Gogh

Throughout the month of March, we’re featuring excerpts from our recently-published collaboration with the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, a beautiful volume of van Gogh’s letters entitled Ever Yours: The Essential Letters, edited… READ MORE

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