Category: Economics

Work, Time, and Finance-Dominated Capitalism

Work, Time, and Finance-Dominated Capitalism

Kathryn Tanner— The Protestant ethic was the spirit of industrial capitalism in its Fordist varieties, where investments sunk in expensive equipment dedicated to the production of one thing meant mass… READ MORE

Protecting Capitalism: The Past and Future of Empire

Protecting Capitalism: The Past and Future of Empire

John Shovlin— For centuries, empires protected the commercial activity of Europeans overseas and secured their access to crucial resources and markets. Commerce requires protection to flourish, officials and merchants understood…. READ MORE

Causal Inference

Causal Inference

Scott Cunningham— Certain presentations of causal inference methodologies have sometimes been described as atheoretical, but in my opinion, while some practitioners seem comfortable flying blind, the actual methods employed in… READ MORE

What’s Wrong With Economics?

What’s Wrong With Economics?

Robert Skidelsky— The need for economists to think about economics became apparent after the global financial crisis of 2007–2008. Few economists predicted the crash; more damningly, few envisaged the possibility… READ MORE

Mapping America’s Recovery

Mapping America’s Recovery

Andrew Imbrie— Imagine a country laid low by foreign wars, ravaged by plague, and weakened by political dysfunction, economic recession, and multiple bankruptcies. Instead of preparing for the future, its… READ MORE

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