Category: Current Affairs

Climate Change—No 0.5°C are the Same

Climate Change—No 0.5°C are the Same

James Ladyman & Karoline Wiesner— In 2015 representatives of 196 states agreed to hold the warming of average global atmospheric temperature above pre-industrial levels to well below 2°C, and to… READ MORE

The Future of International Order

The Future of International Order

Rebecca Lissner and Mira Rapp-Hooper— Foreign policy elites have reached a near-consensus that the liberal international order led by the United States since World War II is fraying, as its… READ MORE

The Forgotten History of Inoculation

The Forgotten History of Inoculation

Gavin Weightman— The huge international effort to develop an effective vaccine against the coronavirus suggests that it is only with the development of modern medicine that an antidote could be… READ MORE

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Opera

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Opera

William N. Eskridge Jr.— Ruth Bader Ginsburg passionately loved her family, her job as a judge, constitutional law, and opera—not always in that order.  I first came to know and… READ MORE

Improving Disaster Readiness Worldwide

Improving Disaster Readiness Worldwide

Courtney Durham— Considering the current impediments to disaster risk reduction and growing risk from climate change, a number of policies can help nations shift the balance from reactivity to proactivity…. READ MORE

Pandemic Grief

Pandemic Grief

Dorothy P. Holinger— A friend recently told me, “I’m irritable, sad, and I get mad so easily. I can’t seem to get anything done. I don’t know what’s the matter… READ MORE

Mapping America’s Recovery

Mapping America’s Recovery

Andrew Imbrie— Imagine a country laid low by foreign wars, ravaged by plague, and weakened by political dysfunction, economic recession, and multiple bankruptcies. Instead of preparing for the future, its… READ MORE

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