Category: Current Affairs

Theories of Managerialism

Theories of Managerialism

Beth Simone Noveck— In recent decades, especially since Reagan and Thatcher, some scholars and practitioners have argued that the way to fix government is to copy the techniques of the… READ MORE

Paradoxes of Constitutional Processes

Paradoxes of Constitutional Processes

Donald L. Horowitz— Suppose you were advising a constitutional assembly chosen to produce a new constitution for a troubled country. Most constitutions are created because some trouble has occurred: the… READ MORE

The Problem of the Future

The Problem of the Future

Sebastian Rosato— The problem of the future is one of both access and reliability. There is simply no way for states to access firsthand information about each other’s future intentions…. READ MORE

Constitutional Reform

Constitutional Reform

Robinson Woodward-Burns— The federal framers signed the Constitution in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787. The following July 4, Philadelphians celebrated the Constitution’s ratification with a mile-long “Grand Federal Procession,” led… READ MORE

Words as Grain

Words as Grain

Early this summer, we proudly released Duo Duo’s new collection of poems, Words as Grain. Lucas Klein, editor and translator of the career-spanning anthology, notes in his introduction that the… READ MORE

Work, Time, and Finance-Dominated Capitalism

Work, Time, and Finance-Dominated Capitalism

Kathryn Tanner— The Protestant ethic was the spirit of industrial capitalism in its Fordist varieties, where investments sunk in expensive equipment dedicated to the production of one thing meant mass… READ MORE

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