Category: Political Science

The Problem of the Future

The Problem of the Future

Sebastian Rosato— The problem of the future is one of both access and reliability. There is simply no way for states to access firsthand information about each other’s future intentions…. READ MORE

Constitutional Reform

Constitutional Reform

Robinson Woodward-Burns— The federal framers signed the Constitution in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787. The following July 4, Philadelphians celebrated the Constitution’s ratification with a mile-long “Grand Federal Procession,” led… READ MORE

Protecting Capitalism: The Past and Future of Empire

Protecting Capitalism: The Past and Future of Empire

John Shovlin— For centuries, empires protected the commercial activity of Europeans overseas and secured their access to crucial resources and markets. Commerce requires protection to flourish, officials and merchants understood…. READ MORE

Looking to the Past to Find Ourselves

Looking to the Past to Find Ourselves

Michael Hattem– For a few decades, American history has played a prominent role in the most current iteration of culture wars in the United States. We saw this most recently… READ MORE

Is Equality Self-Evident?

Is Equality Self-Evident?

Robert A. Dahl— In words that were to become famous throughout the world, in 1776 the authors of the American Declaration of Independence an­nounced: “We hold these truths to be… READ MORE

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