Category: History

The Tripolar Problem

The Tripolar Problem

Andrew F. Krepinevich, Jr.— The past year has witnessed the continuing decline in U.S.-China relations. Last February, Chinese president Xi Jinping declared his friendship with Vladimir Putin had “no limits,”… READ MORE

Touring the Afterlife

Touring the Afterlife

Bart D. Ehrman— Few literary genres facilitate deeper reflection on the profundities of life than tours of the realms of the dead. It is no accident that they lie at… READ MORE

Campaign of the Century

Campaign of the Century

Irwin F. Gellman— Kennedy and Nixon ran one of the closest elections in American history. While JFK had an enormous margin in Democratic registration, the vote for each was almost… READ MORE

The Last Days of Mankind

The Last Days of Mankind

Karl Kraus— EPILOGUE The Final Night Battlefield. Craters. Smoke clouds. Starless night. The horizon is a wall of flames. Corpses. Dying soldiers. Men and women in gas masks appear. A… READ MORE

A Witness in St. George

A Witness in St. George

Mari N. Crabtree— The downpour came suddenly, and it was loud. Hours of driving through steady rain had lulled me into believing that the remnants of the most recent hurricane… READ MORE

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