Category: History

Refugees in World War II and Today

Refugees in World War II and Today

Marion Kaplan— As I sit here, the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve 2019, reading the news on various websites, I am drawn to the plight of refugee children… READ MORE

What Can We Know about Early Christ Groups?

What Can We Know about Early Christ Groups?

John Kloppenborg— A common misconception about early Christ groups is that we know quite a lot about them—their approximate size (50–100), their meeting places (private houses), and the ways they… READ MORE

On the Origin of Hiking Trails

On the Origin of Hiking Trails

Silas Chamberlin— In the autumn of 1921, a small group of volunteers from the Palisades Interstate Park Conference assembled at dawn for a day of work in Harriman State Park,… READ MORE

The Jubilee Year of the Six-Day War

The Jubilee Year of the Six-Day War

Micah Goodman— On the eve of the Six-Day War, Israel formed a national unity government (a broad coalition of all major parties) for the first time in its history. Faced… READ MORE

Josephus and Jesus: The Early Christian Movement

Josephus and Jesus: The Early Christian Movement

Paula Fredriksen— Priest, Pharisee, prophet, military leader, war captive, historian: Josephus. Josephus aids us, in crucial ways, in our quest for the assembly of Jesus’ earliest followers in Jerusalem. Indeed,… READ MORE

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