Category: Politics

The Myth of Limited Government

The Myth of Limited Government

Ronnie Janoff-Bulman— The call for limited government is a recurring theme in Republican politics. Ronald Reagan’s refrain that government is the problem, not the solution, has taken many rhetorical forms… READ MORE

Campaign of the Century

Campaign of the Century

Irwin F. Gellman— Kennedy and Nixon ran one of the closest elections in American history. While JFK had an enormous margin in Democratic registration, the vote for each was almost… READ MORE

The Age of Dionysus

The Age of Dionysus

Robert D. Kaplan— Many hope and believe that the murderous autocratic regimes in Russia and Iran must eventually give way to democracy. But it may be a long struggle. I… READ MORE

Lost Opportunity in Bali

Lost Opportunity in Bali

Stephen Roach— Leader-to-leader summits have long been portrayed as the crown jewel of international diplomacy. Such was the hope with the November 14 meeting in Bali between U.S. President Joe… READ MORE

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