Category: Science

Black Holes Ain’t So Black

Black Holes Ain’t So Black

Marcia Bartusiak— Gamma rays from deep space were discovered by accident in the early 1970s. A group of United States satellites called Vela (“watch” or “vigil” in Spanish) had been… READ MORE

Coronavirus and Autocracy

Coronavirus and Autocracy

Frank M. Snowden— Some features of “Wuhan virus” are now apparent. In early December it began its career as a human disease after a “spillover” from its natural animal reservoir—possibly… READ MORE

Why We Can’t Forget about the Brain

Why We Can’t Forget about the Brain

Iain McGilchrist— It might seem reductive to link the highest achievements of the human mind, in philosophy and the arts, to the structure of the brain. I believe it is… READ MORE

Addicted to Distraction

Addicted to Distraction

Judson Brewer— This is where the magic happens. Once behavior and reward are paired, the dopamine neurons change their phasic firing pattern to respond to stimuli that predict rewards. Enter… READ MORE

Climate Change Street Fighters

Climate Change Street Fighters

Michael Mendez— No other politico in Washington, DC, has moved the issue of climate change to a national platform of prominence so quickly as Democratic Congress member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Her… READ MORE

Who Owns Software?

Who Owns Software?

Gerardo Con Diaz— When we own something, we can usually explain what that thing is. My car is an object that I recognize, and the blog posts I write are… READ MORE

Urbanization and Sustainability

Urbanization and Sustainability

Steward Pickett— Sustainability has become one of the touchstones of the twenty-first century. As the human inhabitants of the planet consume an ever-larger share of the Earth’s resources and increasingly… READ MORE

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