Category: Science

How I Got My Asteroid

How I Got My Asteroid

Martin Elvis— Changing your line of work late in your career is a refreshing thing to do. I worked for decades helping to decipher the mysteries of how giant black… READ MORE

Finding Evidence of a Holy Rose

Finding Evidence of a Holy Rose

Peter E. Kukielski— Rosa sancta, also known as Rosa sancta Richard, Rosa richardii, Freya, Heilige Rose, and the Holy Rose of Abyssinia, is a species cross and is closely associated with the gallica class… READ MORE

Bitter Shade

Bitter Shade

Michael R. Dove— The Pakistan Forest Service traditionally had distinct relations with two different rural clienteles. From one clientele, the peasantry, the Forest Service extracted fees for approved use of… READ MORE

Our New Frontier and Best Hope

Our New Frontier and Best Hope

David Western— Over the course of barely two centuries, subsistence herding and farming societies tied to rainfall and the seasons have coalesced into a global society and interwoven economy. Amboseli,… READ MORE

The Pan-Asian Dream

The Pan-Asian Dream

Jonathan E. Hillman— In 1995, Mahathir revived a plan for a “pan-Asian” railway network. Versions of the idea have existed since the early 1900s, when British and French colonialists built… READ MORE

Climate Change—No 0.5°C are the Same

Climate Change—No 0.5°C are the Same

James Ladyman & Karoline Wiesner— In 2015 representatives of 196 states agreed to hold the warming of average global atmospheric temperature above pre-industrial levels to well below 2°C, and to… READ MORE

Improving Disaster Readiness Worldwide

Improving Disaster Readiness Worldwide

Courtney Durham— Considering the current impediments to disaster risk reduction and growing risk from climate change, a number of policies can help nations shift the balance from reactivity to proactivity…. READ MORE

Pandemic Grief

Pandemic Grief

Dorothy P. Holinger— A friend recently told me, “I’m irritable, sad, and I get mad so easily. I can’t seem to get anything done. I don’t know what’s the matter… READ MORE

The Endangered Species of the Polymath

The Endangered Species of the Polymath

Peter Burke— People are talking more and more about polymaths these days, but at the same time, living examples of this intellectual species are becoming more and more difficult to… READ MORE

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