Category: Podcast

Ep. 51 – Why Baseball Matters

Ep. 51 – Why Baseball Matters

Baseball is America’s Pastime but can it survive in the technological era when games are longer than most attention spans? Susan Jacoby, author and longtime baseball fan, discusses the history… READ MORE

Ep. 49 – Picasso and Drawing

Ep. 49 – Picasso and Drawing

Drawing serves as a vital thread connecting artist Pablo Picasso’s entire body of work. Christopher Lloyd – former Surveyor of The Queen’s Pictures in the British Royal Collection – talks… READ MORE

Ep. 45 – How Our Senses Work

Ep. 45 – How Our Senses Work

Where do our senses come from and how do they work? What happens when they go wrong? We’ve got the answers to these questions and more with Rob DeSalle from… READ MORE

Ep. 44 – Why Liberalism Failed

Ep. 44 – Why Liberalism Failed

Patrick Deneen, author of Why Liberalism Failed, discusses how the success of liberalism has led to its downfall. YaleUniversity · Why Liberalism Has Failed Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher | Soundcloud

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