As we transition our order fulfillment and warehousing to W. W. Norton, select titles may temporarily appear as out of stock. We appreciate your patience.

Account Types and Features

Student Account

With a Student Account, you can:

  • Request access to online resources that accompany a title you were assigned and/or purchased

Instructor Account

With an Instructor Account, you can:

  • Request print examination and desk copies
  • Request access to online course resources that accompany a title
  • Authorize accounts for your Teaching Assistants, so they can access online course resources for titles you have already adopted

Office Admin / Admin Assistant Account

With an Office Admin / Admin Assistant Account, you can:

  • Make print exam/desk requests on behalf of faculty members at your institution

Teaching Assistant Account

Teaching Assistant Accounts can only be granted by an approved instructor. With a Teaching Assistant Account, you can:

  • Access online course resources for titles that the Instructor has already adopted

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