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Tag: european history

Empires, Wars, Collapse: 1914-2024

Empires, Wars, Collapse: 1914-2024

Iryna Vushko— I was putting the finishing touch on my book on the history of places and people from a hundred years ago and was watching an apocalypse of unprecedented… READ MORE

The Sky Turns Black from Smoke

The Sky Turns Black from Smoke

Marci Shore— The Sky Turns Black from Smoke Close to midnight on Tuesday, 18 February 2014, twenty-one-year-old Misha Martynenko, reeking of smoke, returned to the Kiev apartment he shared with… READ MORE

The Art Plunderer of Paris

The Art Plunderer of Paris

Jonathan Petropoulos— The evening was planned as a form of theater, a series of carefully staged scenes. Each room, or set, in the extraordinary eighteenth-century Parisian hôtel particulier featured a… READ MORE

Migration and the End of Empire

Migration and the End of Empire

Peter Heather — However you line up the different factors involved, there’s no doubt that immigration played a major role in the unraveling of the western half of the Roman… READ MORE

Walter Jens’s Tragedies

Walter Jens’s Tragedies

Michael H. Kater— Walter Jens was the first among a group of young West German novelists who attempted to come to grips with the Third Reich. As a twenty-seven-year-old, in 1950… READ MORE

“Out of Sight, Out of Mind”

“Out of Sight, Out of Mind”

Sean M. Kelley— You’ve probably never heard of William Vernon, a lifelong resident of Newport, Rhode Island, but he was one of the biggest slave owners in American history. According… READ MORE

The Wagner Group Explained

The Wagner Group Explained

John Mauceri— Among the many confusions about the private Russian army known as the Wagner Group is how to pronounce its name. Reporters and pundits seem to vacillate between “Wag-ner”… READ MORE

Prologue: Our Time

Prologue: Our Time

In a small front room, amid the unfamiliar smells of Gauloise tobacco smoke and strong black coffee, I sit with my French host family staring at a small black-and-white television… READ MORE

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