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Rock is a Mix Tape: Enter the History of Rock ‘n’ Roll Playlist Contest for a Chance to Win!

History of Rock 'n' Roll Playlist Contest posterGreil Marcus shared a collection of tracks that define rock ‘n’ roll for him in The History of Rock ‘n’ Roll in Ten Songs. Now is your chance to challenge his list. Create your own playlist of ten songs on YouTube, SoundCloud, Spotify, or just write them down and submit them on the History of Rock ‘n’ Roll playlist contest website. If Greil Marcus selects your playlist as the winning entry, you’ll receive:

Five runners-up will also receive a signed copy of the book and a promotional coaster.

The History of Rock ‘n’ Roll playlist contest runs through October 13th, so it’s time to dust off your old LPs, grab that cassette player from the basement, or pop in those earbuds. Submit your playlists here for your chance to win! And if you’re looking for inspiration, give Greil Marcus’s ten songs another listen below.


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