Category: Science

Charles Darwin, Tortoise Hunter?

Charles Darwin, Tortoise Hunter?

Elizabeth Hennessy— On a sunny day in October 1835, a twenty-six-year-old Charles Darwin hiked from the parched coast of Santiago Island in the Galápagos archipelago to the island’s green, damp… READ MORE

What Got Antivaxxers to Vax in New York City

What Got Antivaxxers to Vax in New York City

Richard Robb— In fall 2018, measles returned to New York City. It was hardly surprising, given the alarmingly widespread resistance to vaccination. According to a recent survey, 2% of Americans believe… READ MORE

Myth vs. Truth: Science and Stories

Myth vs. Truth: Science and Stories

Anthony Aveni— Trained as an astronomer but now spending most of my time writing about skywatchers in indigenous cultures, I’ve come to think that individuals trained in science tend to… READ MORE

Nine Steps to a Sustainable Future

Nine Steps to a Sustainable Future

In our new book A Better Planet, leading environmentalists present long-term solutions for a sustainable future amid our ecological crisis. The forty essays advocate a bipartisan program and cover topics… READ MORE

Net Neutrality Is a Class Issue

Net Neutrality Is a Class Issue

David Elliot Berman and Victor Pickard — Net neutrality is often depicted as a Manichean battle between two warring parties: “good” innovators and content creators such as Google, Facebook, and… READ MORE

Einstein, Anglophilia, and America

Einstein, Anglophilia, and America

Andrew Robinson— “Einstein was an Anglophile,” declared three leading US scholars of Albert Einstein—Alice Calaprice, Daniel Kennefick and Robert Schulmann—without hesitation or qualification in their study, An Einstein Encyclopedia, published by… READ MORE

A Huge Turning Point in Archaeology

A Huge Turning Point in Archaeology

Brian Fagan— The bombshell exploded a few months after John Evans and Joseph Prestwich returned from their visit to the Somme gravel pits with axes and elephant bones. Charles Darwin’s On… READ MORE

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