Category: Science

Solove C-SPAN Interview on YouTube

Daniel Solove, author of The Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy on the Internet, was recently interviewed by C-SPAN for their weekly series, “The Communicators.” C-SPAN has now made… READ MORE

Yale Press Podcast, Episode 12

Episode 12 of the Yale Press Podcast is now available. Download Episode 12 In Episode 12, Chris Gondek speaks with (1) Victoria Clark about Zionism and the American evangelical communtity… READ MORE

YUP authors on FM radio

A. K. Sandoval-Strausz, author of Hotel: An American History, appeared on WBUR Boston’s On Point to discuss “how America invented the hotel, and how the hotel invented America.” You can… READ MORE

James Prosek in print and in studio

James Prosek, author and illustrator for Yale University Press’ recently released Tight Lines: Ten Years of the Yale Anglers’ Journal, wrote a short essay for the Outdoors section of the… READ MORE

YUP authors on the airwaves

Ben Kiernan was interviewed by Lewis Lapham, former Harper’s editor and now editor of Lapham’s Quarterly. They discussed Kiernan’s recently released Blood and Soil on Lapham’s radio program “The World… READ MORE

Yale Press Podcast, Episode 9

Episode 9 of the Yale Press Podcast is now available. In Episode 9, Chris Gondek speaks with (1) Trita Parsi about about his behind-the scenes revelations about events in the… READ MORE

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