Category: History

Nostalgia and Ideology

Nostalgia and Ideology

Philip J. Deloria— In conjunction with Indian removal, popular American imagery began to play on earlier symbolic linkages between Indians and the past, and these images eventually produced the full-blown… READ MORE

The Russia-Ukraine Crisis: A Reading List

The Russia-Ukraine Crisis: A Reading List

To better understand the Russia-Ukraine crisis, we have put together a list of the most relevant books that shed light on the history, socio-economic and political relations of these two… READ MORE

Food Matters. So What?

Food Matters. So What?

Paul Freedman— When I was asked to consider writing Why Food Matters, I was told that this was not supposed to be an introduction to the topic of food, but… READ MORE

Mussolini’s Last Lover

Mussolini’s Last Lover

R.J.B. Bosworth— The story began on 24 April 1932, a sunny day in Rome. That afternoon, the Petaccis, by now residing even more centrally and respectably at flat 6, 326… READ MORE

Sadie Alexander on Black Achievement

Sadie Alexander on Black Achievement

Nina Banks— Sadie Alexander was an outstanding economic historian whose speeches relied heavily on her knowledge of European and American history. Prior to taking courses in European history at the… READ MORE

Jews in the Greek and Roman Periods

Jews in the Greek and Roman Periods

Lawrence M. Wills— The books of the Hebrew Bible were likely composed in the ninth through second centuries BCE, under a range of very different political conditions. Israel was established… READ MORE

The Strange Speech of Sultan Valad

The Strange Speech of Sultan Valad

Michael Pifer— Sometime in the late thirteenth or early fourteenth century, a Sufi poet named Sultan Valad was trying his hardest to get out of delivering a public sermon. He… READ MORE

Feminist Biography

Feminist Biography

Nina Rattner Gelbart— Biography is a curious genre, morphing over time, and writing about the lives of other individuals goes back to antiquity. Plutarch and Suetonius, both working from the… READ MORE

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