Yale University Press Blog

Winter YaleARTbooks contest roundup!

Winter YaleARTbooks contest roundup!

Dear readers, thank you for responding with both words and pictures to our recent contests.  We love hearing from you.  Please stay tuned for more opportunities soon to win copies… READ MORE

Have We Seen The End of Chemotherapy?

Have We Seen The End of Chemotherapy?

Dr. Richard Frank— We have entered an era in cancer medicine in which new therapies are becoming available seemingly on a monthly basis. The reason for this is that tremendous… READ MORE

Make Your Yard More Bird-Friendly

Make Your Yard More Bird-Friendly

With spring finally arriving after a long winter, it’s the perfect time for  a video on how to make your yard more attractive and safe for our feathered friends. Ornithologist and urban ecologist… READ MORE

The Bad News about Hearing Loss

The Bad News about Hearing Loss

John M. Burkey— Greetings from the “bad news room.” This is how a physician I worked with described my office because one of my roles as senior audiologist in our… READ MORE

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