Yale University Press Blog

From the Designer’s Desk: Margaret Bauer

From the Designer’s Desk: Margaret Bauer

We’re kicking off our second year of monthly From the Designer’s Desk posts with some observation and inspiration from Margaret Bauer, formerly design manager in the Publishing Office at the National… READ MORE

Hawaiian Modern: Then and Now

Hawaiian Modern: Then and Now

Dean Sakamoto– Nearly eight years have passed since I handed over the final manuscript for Hawaiian Modern: The Architecture of Vladimir Ossipoff to Yale University Press. Now, as I eagerly… READ MORE

Sneak peek: Aldo van Eyck

Sneak peek: Aldo van Eyck

We’re looking forward to the publication, this spring, of a stellar new comprehensive assessment of the career of Dutch architect Aldo van Eyck, whose work, writing, and teaching all contributed significantly… READ MORE

The Beginning of the Roman Empire

The Beginning of the Roman Empire

Adrian Goldsworthy— Names and dates mattered a lot for the Romans, and so did legal formalities and appearances. On the 16th of January 2,042 years ago Rome’s Senate convened. The… READ MORE

Why the Internet Should Be a Public Resource

Why the Internet Should Be a Public Resource

Philip N. Howard— The excitement of this year’s CES—the enormous technology show and tell event that just ended in Las Vegas—was about the “internet of things.” Stoves and baby bottles… READ MORE

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