Category: Political Science

Brazilian Politics During the Cold War

Brazilian Politics During the Cold War

Herbert S. Klein & Francisco Vidal Luna— There is little question that the U.S. was directly involved in the overthrow of the democratic government of Brazil in 1964. In the subsequent… READ MORE

Lawmaking in the Trump Era

Lawmaking in the Trump Era

David R. Mayhew— The Republicans should take a deep breath. They are stuck with a divided party on Capitol Hill. Why should we be surprised? It is a tradition for… READ MORE

Subordination Is the New Inequality

Subordination Is the New Inequality

Roy L. Brooks— Since the end of the civil rights period, circa 1972, the problem of racial inequality in the United States has largely been defined as a socioeconomic problem…. READ MORE

The Backdrop of the Crisis in Syria

The Backdrop of the Crisis in Syria

Itamar Rabinovich— An atrocious civil war has been raging in Syria for more than six years now. More than half a million Syrians have been killed thus far, and more… READ MORE

Eclipses and the Lessons of History

Eclipses and the Lessons of History

Anthony Aveni— “Celestial source of life and light on earth! What envious rival intercepts thy rays? Dares thy own satellite intercepts thy blaze, Or stay thy stream of empyrean birth?…”… READ MORE

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