1919: A Poilu Comes Home
February 18, 2019
Edward M. Strauss— Mobilized in August 1914 at age 35, infantry Corporal Louis Barthas spent almost four years in the trenches. After his health collapsed in early 1918 he served… READ MORE
February 18, 2019
Edward M. Strauss— Mobilized in August 1914 at age 35, infantry Corporal Louis Barthas spent almost four years in the trenches. After his health collapsed in early 1918 he served… READ MORE
April 2, 2018
Louis Barthas; Translated by Edward M. Strauss— In March 1918, after more than forty months on the front lines, under daily threat of violent death, disease, or dismemberment, French infantry… READ MORE
May 1, 2017
Edward M. Strauss— “On May 26 [1917] the first American combat troops arrived in France…. “The arrival of the first American troops coincided with a dramatic change on the French… READ MORE
July 14, 2016
Louis Barthas; Translated by Edward M. Strauss— Poilu author Louis Barthas was born on Bastille Day, July 14, 1879. In honor of his 137th birthday, here are two letters that… READ MORE
April 8, 2014
A “Must-Read” pick for the New York Post and a Daily Beast “Hot Reads” title! As discussed in our March”WAR!” theme, it remains of the utmost importance to consider… READ MORE