Yale University Press Blog

Who Was Vespasian?

Who Was Vespasian?

Today is Roman Emperor Vespasian’s birthday. And while he may not be as famous as some of predecessors, Julius Caesar or Augustus, for example, his Flavian Dynasty would rule the Empire for nearly… READ MORE

Nixon Not a Crook!

Nixon Not a Crook!

Nigel Hamilton— Nixon’s emotional outburst, claiming at a press conference in Florida that he was not a crook, forty-one years ago today, gave Freudian psychologists their best insight into the… READ MORE

Jane L. Aspinwall on Alexander Gardner

Alexander Gardner is deservedly famous for his photographs of the American Civil War, though his body of work includes images taken both before and after the war.  A current exhibition… READ MORE

An Interview with Mark Polizzotti

An Interview with Mark Polizzotti

We had the privilege of sitting down to talk with Mark Polizzotti, who, among other things, has recently translated a trio of novellas from Nobel Prize–winner Patrick Modiano, Suspended Sentences,… READ MORE

Museum Quality Books: Sculpting with Shadow

Mark Polizzotti has translated more than forty books from French, including the newly released Suspended Sentences by this year’s Nobel laureate in literature, Patrick Modiano.  Mark wrote a lovely commentary on translating… READ MORE

Bram Stoker’s Birthday and Vampire Lore

Bram Stoker’s Birthday and Vampire Lore

Paul Barber— On November 8, we celebrate the birthday of Bram Stoker. Stoker’s novel Dracula, published in 1897, had a tremendous influence on vampire-novels although, like other fiction of this… READ MORE

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