Yale University Press Blog

The Story behind the Saxophone

The Story behind the Saxophone

Today marks the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of Adolphe Sax. Born in Dinant, Belgium, Sax became probably the most well-known inventor of musical brass-wind instruments in the nineteenth century…. READ MORE

Whatever Happened in Ukraine?

Whatever Happened in Ukraine?

Andrew Wilson— America voted in its mid-terms yesterday. Meanwhile, far-off Ukraine has held no less than two elections in a week, one in Ukraine as a whole and one in… READ MORE

New Haven’s street art extravaganza

A two-day event featuring live painting, panel discussions and workshops took place the weekend before last at New Haven’s Coogan Pavilion and the neighboring skate park by the West River, in… READ MORE

Why Voter Turnout Matters

Why Voter Turnout Matters

Melissa R. Michelson— If you want to get depressed about the health of our democracy, do a quick Internet search for news about voter turnout. Almost every link is to… READ MORE

Happy All Hallows’ Eve

Happy All Hallows’ Eve

Will you be in costume this evening, for trick-or-treating?  Or a party?  Or to hand out candy on your front porch?  A few days ago, Flavorpill compiled and published a slideshow… READ MORE

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