Category: Political Science

Russia’s Rivalry with the West

Russia’s Rivalry with the West

Dimitar Bechev— Donald Trump came to office with the promise to clinch a deal with Vladimir Putin and end the stand-off with Russia inherited from the Obama administration. Nine months… READ MORE

Ep. 40 – The Art of the Iran Deal

Ep. 40 – The Art of the Iran Deal

Trita Parsi explains the Iran Deal: its strengths, weaknesses, and the ramifications of ending it. YaleUniversity · The Art of the Iran Deal

Expansionist Propaganda in World War I Germany

Expansionist Propaganda in World War I Germany

Tim Grady— Davis Trietsch and Julius Friedrich Lehmann made for an unlikely pair. Trietsch, a well-known German-Jewish statistician, journalist and sometime editor, spent many years living in New York, before… READ MORE

I infiltrated the alt-right. So what?

I infiltrated the alt-right. So what?

Philippe-Joseph Salazar— The New York Times recently reported on a young Swede who had “infiltrated” the alt-right, “My Year Inside the International Alt-Right”. Apart from sophomoric writing (“Jorjani talks for… READ MORE

Make America Progressive Again

Make America Progressive Again

Bruce Ackerman— Begin on an optimistic note: Americans of the twenty-first century are much better equipped for citizenship than their counterparts were at the dawning of the Progressive era. About… READ MORE

The Practicalities of Presidential Prosecution

The Practicalities of Presidential Prosecution

Brian C. Kalt— Practicalities As they were designing the presidency, the delegates at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 discussed hypothetical criminal presidents. In recent decades—the era of the independent counsel—things… READ MORE

The Limits of Tolerance

The Limits of Tolerance

Emily Katz Anhalt— The ancient Greeks were open-minded without being tolerant. They didn’t devise the world’s first-ever democracy by tolerating everything. Their unprecedented transition from tribalism to civil society derived… READ MORE

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