Yale University Press Blog

A Conversation with Richard Conniff

A Conversation with Richard Conniff

The Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History turns 150 this year, and to celebrate, we spoke with Richard Conniff, author of House of Lost Worlds, about some of the fascinating… READ MORE

Words and Politics: Lessons from Nuremberg

Words and Politics: Lessons from Nuremberg

Joel E. Dimsdale— Seventy years ago the international military tribunal at Nuremberg sentenced Julius Streicher to death for incitement of violence. It was one of the court’s most controversial judgments…. READ MORE

Richard Kendall on van Gogh and nature

Richard Kendall on van Gogh and nature

Last year, the Clark Art Institute presented a stellar exhibition called Van Gogh and Nature, which Holland Cotter called “one of the summer’s choice art attractions” in the pages of The… READ MORE

Thoreau’s Life with Flowers

Thoreau’s Life with Flowers

Geoff Wisner— After graduating from Harvard College in 1837, Henry David Thoreau returned to the village of Concord, where he taught school with his older brother John. At least once… READ MORE

Easter and Medieval Food

Chris Woolgar– Chocolate eggs, simnel cake and a return to those things we have given up for Lent? There are resonances in all these to medieval foods. While there may… READ MORE

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