Category: Current Affairs

The Peaceful South

The Peaceful South

Anders Walker— The recent opening of a lynching memorial in Montgomery, Alabama underscores the role that violence played in upholding racial segregation, or Jim Crow.  From the 1870s through the… READ MORE

The End of Europe?

The End of Europe?

James Kirchick— As you read this, Europe is undergoing convulsions greater than anything it has experienced in decades. Just five years after winning the Nobel Peace Prize, the European Union,… READ MORE

Grant Wood

Grant Wood

We recently had the great pleasure of interviewing Barbara Haskell, American art historian and curator at the Whitney Museum of American Art.  She curated the current exhibition, Grant Wood: American… READ MORE

Ep. 54 – Antonin Scalia

Ep. 54 – Antonin Scalia

A hero to the right, a foe to the left, Antonin Scalia was one of the most influential Supreme Court justices to ever serve. Richard Hasen discusses Scalia’s legacy. YaleUniversity… READ MORE

Our Declaration of Interdependence

Our Declaration of Interdependence

Susan Dunn— In 1939, President Franklin Roosevelt SUGGESTED a two-year experiment: he proposed moving the date of Thanksgiving up one week from the customary last Thursday in November. The point… READ MORE

Ep. 53 – Class in America

Ep. 53 – Class in America

Class in America, often ignored, has shaped the country from the very beginning. We take a look at the changing role of class and how it has led us to… READ MORE

The Story of Archaeology

The Story of Archaeology

Brian Fagan— There really is something to Indiana Jones, except that it’s all wrong. It’s rumored that Jones was an amalgam of several early twentieth century archaeologists, but Lucas Films… READ MORE

Socialist Media

Socialist Media

Terry Eagleton— Over half a century ago, in an excellent little book entitled Communications, Raymond Williams outlined a socialist plan for the arts and media which rejected state control of… READ MORE

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