Category: Current Affairs

A Frog Slowly Boiled

A Frog Slowly Boiled

Joseph Turow— It’s said that a frog placed in a boiling pot of water will escape, but if the water is slowly heated the frog will habituate and eventually die…. READ MORE

Farming in the Tropics

Farming in the Tropics

Charles M. Peters— The traditional method of farming used throughout the tropics is called shifting cultivation, roza, tumba y quema, or slash and burn agriculture. A small plot of forest… READ MORE

Why Be an Economist?

Why Be an Economist?

Niall Kishtainy— If you study economics at university, you mainly learn about those basic economic principles. They’re powerful and useful but you should use them with care. Some people think… READ MORE

Workers of the World

Workers of the World

Niall Kishtainy—  A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of communism.’ This is the first line of The Communist Manifesto, which was written in the middle of the nineteenth century and… READ MORE

The Other Middle East

The Other Middle East

Franck Salameh— Middle East specialists of a hundred years ago have traditionally been philologists trained in a dozen or more Middle Eastern languages, including Latin and Greek, but also the… READ MORE

Hunting Mobile Shoppers

Hunting Mobile Shoppers

Joseph Turow— “Bricks and mortar is dead; long live bricks and mortar!” This was the surprising theme that emerged from the sprawling 2014 Internet Retailer Conference and Exhibition, reported Laura… READ MORE

How We See Big and Small?

How We See Big and Small?

Lynne Vallone— I see big people. I also see small people. My body tells me who is big and who is small and signals the circumstances when I am larger… READ MORE

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