Category: Current Affairs

What Gravitational-Wave Astronomy May Reveal

What Gravitational-Wave Astronomy May Reveal

Marcia Bartusiak— Early last year, the field of astrophysics announced one of its biggest discoveries. A cosmic phenomenon that Albert Einstein had predicted a century earlier was at last detected… READ MORE

Investigating a President

Investigating a President

Josh Chafetz— It’s hard to keep track of all of the ongoing investigations into the Trump campaign and administration. At the very least, we know of inquiries by special counsel… READ MORE

Ep. 29 – Social Media and Protests

Ep. 29 – Social Media and Protests

What role does social media play in networked protests? Zeynep Tufekci discusses this, online privacy, and how to combat fake news online. YaleUniversity · Ep. 29 – Social Media and… READ MORE

Returning to the Final Frontier?

Returning to the Final Frontier?

Valerie Neal— In the 1960s, Americans were clear about the reasons to embark on travel across the vast new ocean of space. More than once, President John F. Kennedy presented… READ MORE

Notions of Common Law in Medieval Islam

Notions of Common Law in Medieval Islam

Mohammad Fadel— The great western scholar of Islamic law, the late Joseph Schacht, famously characterized Islamic law as a “jurist’s law,” by which he meant to draw scholarly attention to… READ MORE

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