Category: Current Affairs

The Math of a Coin Flip

The Math of a Coin Flip

Anna Lachowska— In what some are calling “coingate”, Hillary Clinton’s lead over Bernie Sanders in Monday night’s Iowa caucus allegedly came down to a series of coin flips. When the… READ MORE

Money and Politics in Polarized Times

Money and Politics in Polarized Times

Richard L. Hasen— Solving one problem with money in politics can create another. Consider, for example, a law which limits to $100 the amount any donor can give a candidate…. READ MORE

The Relationship between Law and Economics

The Relationship between Law and Economics

Guido Calabresi— A century and a half ago John Stuart Mill said of English philosopher and political radical Jeremy Bentham, in effect, that he approached the world as a stranger. And,… READ MORE

Brazil’s Meltdown

Brazil’s Meltdown

William R. Summerhill— Brazil is mired in its worst crisis in more than thirty years. The economy and employment are shrinking, while high inflation is eroding consumers’ purchasing power.  The currency… READ MORE

5 Reasons Big Data Needs a History

5 Reasons Big Data Needs a History

Rebecca Lemov— Big Data is a topic that is big news, yet it is often raised in academic circles with trepidation. Here are some reasons why our understanding of big… READ MORE

American Indians and the Future of Coal

American Indians and the Future of Coal

James Robert Allison III— The American coal industry is on life support. Since the turn of the twenty-first century, less than 7% of the 200 or so proposed new coal-fired… READ MORE

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