Category: Political Science

Global Power and US Sanctions

Global Power and US Sanctions

Victor Bulmer-Thomas— Sanctions have always played a part in conflicts among states and between states and non-state actors. However, their use by the United States government has accelerated in recent… READ MORE

Washington’s understanding of the Declaration

Washington’s understanding of the Declaration

Steve Pincus— George Washington’s understanding of America’s founding document as a call for an energetic government stands in stark contrast with the majority of interpretations of the Declaration. Whereas Washington… READ MORE

The End of Europe?

The End of Europe?

James Kirchick— As you read this, Europe is undergoing convulsions greater than anything it has experienced in decades. Just five years after winning the Nobel Peace Prize, the European Union,… READ MORE

Our Declaration of Interdependence

Our Declaration of Interdependence

Susan Dunn— In 1939, President Franklin Roosevelt SUGGESTED a two-year experiment: he proposed moving the date of Thanksgiving up one week from the customary last Thursday in November. The point… READ MORE

Ep. 53 – Class in America

Ep. 53 – Class in America

Class in America, often ignored, has shaped the country from the very beginning. We take a look at the changing role of class and how it has led us to… READ MORE

Socialist Media

Socialist Media

Terry Eagleton— Over half a century ago, in an excellent little book entitled Communications, Raymond Williams outlined a socialist plan for the arts and media which rejected state control of… READ MORE

Syria, the Kurds, and the Left

Syria, the Kurds, and the Left

Michael Walzer— When, where, and how to use force is the hardest question in foreign policy debates, and it is especially hard for liberals and leftists, who mostly just want… READ MORE

Ep. 44 – Why Liberalism Failed

Ep. 44 – Why Liberalism Failed

Patrick Deneen, author of Why Liberalism Failed, discusses how the success of liberalism has led to its downfall. YaleUniversity · Why Liberalism Has Failed Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher | Soundcloud

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