Category: Science

Dawn of a New Golden Age of Antibiotics?

Dawn of a New Golden Age of Antibiotics?

Rob DeSalle and Susan L. Perkins— Alexander Fleming once coyly said about his discovery of penicillin, “When I woke up just after dawn on September 28, 1928, I certainly didn’t… READ MORE

Why the Internet Should Be a Public Resource

Why the Internet Should Be a Public Resource

Philip N. Howard— The excitement of this year’s CES—the enormous technology show and tell event that just ended in Las Vegas—was about the “internet of things.” Stoves and baby bottles… READ MORE

Happy Bird Day!

Happy Bird Day!

John Marzluff— That’s right, today is the thirteenth annual National Bird Day, a time to reflect on the riches birds bring into our lives—their beautiful song and color, the marvel… READ MORE

The Death of the Monarch Butterfly

The Death of the Monarch Butterfly

Robert Michael Pyle— Many people will have greeted the news that the monarch butterfly has been proposed for listing under the Endangered Species Act with bewilderment, if not incredulity. How… READ MORE

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