Category: Technology

The Rare Metals of the iPhone

The Rare Metals of the iPhone

David S. Abraham— Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer was incredulous. “There’s no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share. No chance,” Ballmer prophesied during a CEO… READ MORE

Changing Technology, Changing Childhood

Changing Technology, Changing Childhood

Patti Valkenburg— Every now and then, I hear teachers lament that today’s children have changed. And they are right. In the West, this generation of children exhibits significant developmental differences that… READ MORE

Politics in the Age of Social Media

Politics in the Age of Social Media

Emily Weinstein & Howard Gardner— While there was never a “golden age” of politics, journalism, or democracy, social media has permanently disrupted assumptions that were widely shared for much of… READ MORE

The Science of Human Evolution

How have humans evolved and what drives this evolution? Evolutionary biologist Scott Solomon, author of Future Humans, discusses the science of human evolution. Listen in iTunes. YaleUniversity · The Science… READ MORE

Mass Media and the Global Village

Mass Media and the Global Village

It’s University Press Week and the theme this year is communities. As part of the annual blog tour, we’re taking a look at mass media and its effect on communities and… READ MORE

What is a Database of Dreams?

What is a Database of Dreams?

Rebecca Lemov— A little-known turning point in the prosecution of World War II war crimes occurred in 1945 at Nuremberg. Sitting on his prison cot was Hermann Göring, recently captured… READ MORE

A Beginner’s Guide to Science Blogs

A Beginner’s Guide to Science Blogs

Christie Wilcox— I love writing a science blog. I write a lot of things—I’ve written peer-reviewed journal articles and a dissertation; I’ve written for major newspapers, science magazines, and chic,… READ MORE

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