Category: Current Affairs

Reforming the US Prison System

Reforming the US Prison System

Anne-Marie Cusac— Reentering society is difficult for many prisoners. But twenty-year-old Jazmine Smith has gained something during her prison sentence that many inmates don’t have—a high school education at a… READ MORE

Why Pelosi’s Party Matters

Why Pelosi’s Party Matters

Matthew N. Green— In the House of Representatives, minority parties are neglected parties. People tend to assume they are powerless, doing little more than making symbolic gestures and whining about… READ MORE

Why the Constitution Matters

Why the Constitution Matters

Happy Constitution Day! In Why the Constitution Matters, Harvard Law professor Mark Tushnet poses a seemingly simple question and provides us with a thoroughly unexpected answer, forcing us to question… READ MORE

Why Should We Care about the Census in 2015?

Why Should We Care about the Census in 2015?

Margo Anderson— In these dog days of summer 2015, the 2016 presidential election campaign is already in full swing. Twenty-two announced candidates (seventeen Republicans and five Democrats) are already filling… READ MORE

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