Category: Political Science

How the Republicans Lost in 2012

How the Republicans Lost in 2012

Thomas F. Schaller— The 2012 election results were tough medicine for Republicans to swallow. Many conservatives and Republicans believed that Barack Obama was a left-wing radical and a failed president…. READ MORE

Money and Politics in Polarized Times

Money and Politics in Polarized Times

Richard L. Hasen— Solving one problem with money in politics can create another. Consider, for example, a law which limits to $100 the amount any donor can give a candidate…. READ MORE

Orthodox Disunity in Ukraine

Orthodox Disunity in Ukraine

“Now I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you should be in agreement and that there should be no… READ MORE

The Truth About Ivory and Terrorism

The Truth About Ivory and Terrorism

Rosaleen Duffy— Since 2013 claims have been circulating that ivory is a major source of funding for Al Shabaab in Somalia, and it has even been called the “white gold… READ MORE

Why the Constitution Matters

Why the Constitution Matters

Happy Constitution Day! In Why the Constitution Matters, Harvard Law professor Mark Tushnet poses a seemingly simple question and provides us with a thoroughly unexpected answer, forcing us to question… READ MORE

Why Should We Care about the Census in 2015?

Why Should We Care about the Census in 2015?

Margo Anderson— In these dog days of summer 2015, the 2016 presidential election campaign is already in full swing. Twenty-two announced candidates (seventeen Republicans and five Democrats) are already filling… READ MORE

Léon Blum and the Forty-Hour Workweek

Léon Blum and the Forty-Hour Workweek

Pierre Birnbaum— On June 21st, 1936, following the June 7th signing of the Matignon Agreements, the Popular Front government voted in the forty-hour workweek. They were led by Léon Blum,… READ MORE

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