Category: Current Affairs

Mass Media and the Global Village

Mass Media and the Global Village

It’s University Press Week and the theme this year is communities. As part of the annual blog tour, we’re taking a look at mass media and its effect on communities and… READ MORE

A Post-Election Reading List

A Post-Election Reading List

The 2016 presidential campaign was one fraught with anger and mistrust across the political spectrum. In the days and weeks following the election, many may seek to open a dialogue… READ MORE

The Pros and Cons of Globalization

The Pros and Cons of Globalization

Peter Singer— Consider two aspects of globalization: first, the ability of people living in Afghanistan, Iraq, or Yemen to bring sudden death and terror to New York, London, Madrid, Paris,… READ MORE

Why the Trump Brand Worked

Why the Trump Brand Worked

Steven B. Smith— In Woody Allen’s film Hannah and her Sisters, a dyspeptic artist played by Max von Sydow remembers watching a boring television show about Auschwitz with “puzzled intellectuals,”… READ MORE

Theories of Liberation

Theories of Liberation

Michael Walzer— National liberation is an ambitious and also, from the beginning, an ambiguous project. The nation has to be liberated not only from external oppressors—in a way, that’s the… READ MORE

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