Category: Current Affairs

Ep. 2 – How Dinosaurs Became Birds

Journalist and author Richard Conniff talks dinosaurs, the history of the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, and the future of museums.

Moving Beyond Arab Spring

Moving Beyond Arab Spring

Ibrahim Fraihat— Five years have passed since several Arab countries revolted against their repressive regimes, and peace and stability are nowhere in sight. The unraveling of their political systems pushed… READ MORE

Ep. 1 – Making Medicine More Human

Abraham Nussbaum discusses why the medical field could be a little more personal and shares stories from his own experiences as a physician.

For the Love of Trees

For the Love of Trees

Peter Crane— Recent estimates suggest that there are roughly three trillion trees in the world, almost half the number that are thought to have existed prior to their widespread use… READ MORE

Words and Politics: Lessons from Nuremberg

Words and Politics: Lessons from Nuremberg

Joel E. Dimsdale— Seventy years ago the international military tribunal at Nuremberg sentenced Julius Streicher to death for incitement of violence. It was one of the court’s most controversial judgments…. READ MORE

Russia—the perennial empire

Russia—the perennial empire

Agnia Grigas— With the annexation of Crimea in March 2014, Russia has re-emerged at the forefront of the policy debate not only in academia, but also among the policy-making elite… READ MORE

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