Category: Political Science

Political Revelations and Investigations

Political Revelations and Investigations

Benjamin Ginsberg— Over the past year, America’s political waters have been roiled by a host of investigations and revelations aimed at influencing the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. Republicans… READ MORE

Who Owns Sovereign Wealth?

Who Owns Sovereign Wealth?

Angela Cummine— Last week, Alaskans received their annual dividend check from the Alaska Permanent Fund. The $53 billion savings fund was set up in 1976 to preserve and augment a… READ MORE

The Economic Implications of Citizenship

The Economic Implications of Citizenship

Andreas Fahrmeir— U.S. citizenship has emerged as an issue several times during this year’s presidential campaign. There were debates on whether birthright citizenship is (and should be) protected by the… READ MORE

The Future of European Muslims

The Future of European Muslims

From our London office: In recent months, the rise of far-right parties in different European countries and events such as the UK’s vote for Brexit have prompted heated debates about immigration and… READ MORE

11 Little-Known Facts about the U.S. Presidency

11 Little-Known Facts about the U.S. Presidency

Benjamin Ginsberg— 1. Presidential succession is governed by the Twentieth and Twenty-Fifth Amendments of the Constitution and by the Presidential Succession Act. Neither the amendments nor the act covers the… READ MORE

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