Category: Science

The Discovery of Acid Rain

The Discovery of Acid Rain

Gene E. Likens and Richard T. Holmes— Acid rain or acid precipitation or acid deposition as it is variably called, was first identified in North America more than five decades… READ MORE

For the Love of Trees

For the Love of Trees

Peter Crane— Recent estimates suggest that there are roughly three trillion trees in the world, almost half the number that are thought to have existed prior to their widespread use… READ MORE

What is a Database of Dreams?

What is a Database of Dreams?

Rebecca Lemov— A little-known turning point in the prosecution of World War II war crimes occurred in 1945 at Nuremberg. Sitting on his prison cot was Hermann Göring, recently captured… READ MORE

Thoreau’s Life with Flowers

Thoreau’s Life with Flowers

Geoff Wisner— After graduating from Harvard College in 1837, Henry David Thoreau returned to the village of Concord, where he taught school with his older brother John. At least once… READ MORE

A Beginner’s Guide to Science Blogs

A Beginner’s Guide to Science Blogs

Christie Wilcox— I love writing a science blog. I write a lot of things—I’ve written peer-reviewed journal articles and a dissertation; I’ve written for major newspapers, science magazines, and chic,… READ MORE

Nabokov’s Laboratories

Nabokov’s Laboratories

Stephen H. Blackwell and Kurt Johnson— Nabokov’s science and art are united most of all by his fascination with time, and it was that fascination that led to one of… READ MORE

Who needs a Theory of Everything?

Who needs a Theory of Everything?

John Gribbin— The twentieth century saw the development of two great theories in physics. The first, the general theory of relativity, explains the behavior of things on the large scale,… READ MORE

Piracy’s Impact on the Creative Class

Piracy’s Impact on the Creative Class

Scott Timberg— When you ask people why they steal music, or why they don’t care about the collapse of the record industry, the more informed ones talk about the decadence of… READ MORE

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