Category: Economics

The Economic Implications of Citizenship

The Economic Implications of Citizenship

Andreas Fahrmeir— U.S. citizenship has emerged as an issue several times during this year’s presidential campaign. There were debates on whether birthright citizenship is (and should be) protected by the… READ MORE

Why Income Inequality Matters

Why Income Inequality Matters

Matthew Drennan— In the presidential campaign of 2012 there was hardly a mention of income inequality. This time is different. Even the Republican candidates say that it is a problem…. READ MORE

The Relationship between Law and Economics

The Relationship between Law and Economics

Guido Calabresi— A century and a half ago John Stuart Mill said of English philosopher and political radical Jeremy Bentham, in effect, that he approached the world as a stranger. And,… READ MORE

Brazil’s Meltdown

Brazil’s Meltdown

William R. Summerhill— Brazil is mired in its worst crisis in more than thirty years. The economy and employment are shrinking, while high inflation is eroding consumers’ purchasing power.  The currency… READ MORE

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