Category: Current Affairs

The Ever-Evolving Battle for Syria

The Ever-Evolving Battle for Syria

Christopher Phillips— The acrimonious breakdown of the latest Syrian ceasefire and the renewed assault on Eastern Aleppo serve as reminders that Syria’s highly internationalized civil war seems unlikely to be… READ MORE

Bound Together by Law

Bound Together by Law

Jessica M. Marglin— Terrorism; attacks on a kosher supermarket in Paris; fights over who can pray on the Temple Mount, known in Arabic as the Haram al-Sharif. When we juxtapose… READ MORE

Arthur Johnson’s Life in Solitary Confinement

Arthur Johnson’s Life in Solitary Confinement

Keramet Reiter— Arthur Johnson, sixty-four, has spent thirty-seven years in solitary confinement, locked in a cell no bigger than a wheelchair-accessible bathroom stall. He is living his fourth decade without… READ MORE

Ep. 9 – The Science of Human Evolution

How have humans evolved and what drives this evolution? Evolutionary biologist Scott Solomon, author of Future Humans, discusses the science of human evolution.

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