Category: Science

Against the “Ascent of Man”

Against the “Ascent of Man”

James C. Scott— Historical humankind has been mesmerized by the narrative of progress and civilization as codified by the first great agrarian kingdoms. As new and powerful societies, they were… READ MORE

Censorship in the Age of Protest

Censorship in the Age of Protest

Zeynep Tufekci— Censorship during the internet era does not operate under the same logic it did during the heyday of print or even broadcast television. When Mubarak cut off internet… READ MORE

Why Do We Sleep?

Why Do We Sleep?

Meir Kryger— It is 3 a.m. You awaken sweating, your heart pounding. Your mind is racing, reminding you that you have to get up early to drop the kids off… READ MORE

Ep. 55 – How the Brain Works

Ep. 55 – How the Brain Works

A look inside the human brain with neuroscientist David Linden who helps explain some of its mysteries. YaleUniversity · How the Brain Works Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Stitcher | Soundcloud… READ MORE

The Story of Archaeology

The Story of Archaeology

Brian Fagan— There really is something to Indiana Jones, except that it’s all wrong. It’s rumored that Jones was an amalgam of several early twentieth century archaeologists, but Lucas Films… READ MORE

Socialist Media

Socialist Media

Terry Eagleton— Over half a century ago, in an excellent little book entitled Communications, Raymond Williams outlined a socialist plan for the arts and media which rejected state control of… READ MORE

Farming in the Tropics

Farming in the Tropics

Charles M. Peters— The traditional method of farming used throughout the tropics is called shifting cultivation, roza, tumba y quema, or slash and burn agriculture. A small plot of forest… READ MORE

Meditation and Photography

Meditation and Photography

Stephen Batchelor— Taking photographs and practicing meditation might seem at first glance to be unrelated activities. For while photography looks outward at the visual world through the medium of a… READ MORE

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